Sunday, July 01, 2007

Its all going very 7004

Roar Film have moved to 2 Gore Street, South Hobart. We did the move on Friday. I have got a fairly nice corner of the old ballroom. It's very sunny compared to the old church in Hill St. We only had windows on the south side there, so the light didn't exactly flood in. At this time of year it was positively cavelike by 3pm.

We went for a walk up to Mondos for a pie for lunch, then across the bridge to Melinda's for a cup of tea. It's going to be terrific being so close. Tomorrow will be my first chance to drop off Marcus at school, then trot down the rivulet track 5 minutes to work (rather than over hill and dale for 35 minutes).

After collecting everyone I took them back to Gore Street to have a look. I don't do that family-socialising-with-work thing very often, so the boys haven't had many chances to talk to my workmates. My boss Steve quizzed Marcus about his football preferences. Turning to Michael he asked "And are you going to school yet Michael?" "Hmm, pretty much".

A nice touch - our new postcode is 7004, phone is 6223 7005, and fax 6223 7006. It's all going to look terribly tidy on the letterhead.

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