Sunday, May 01, 2011

Damp grey Sunday

I can make a black explosion with just this ray, this OTHER ray, and this explosion stick!! - Michael, just now. So - this will be one of those Sunday catch-up blogs.

We just had a really great evening with our buddies from Launceston, Scott and Lynn, and their kids Isobel and Tom. We only see them every year or two, but the four kids just light up when they get together. It is one of the things that gives new life to old friendships - when you each have kids and they hit it off on their own terms, without too much enforcement.

Lynn and I met at high school. Isobel will be starting high school next year, and has been having a look at one or two of the local schools to check out the vibe. Her first question to Lynn was "where does everybody play?" This made Lynn and I feel really, really old.

Due to some allergy issues we offered them an unstuffed chicken roast dinner. Just meat and veg with fruit instead of cheese and biscuits, and more fruit for dessert. Terrific people and a lovely evening - we have been very lucky to have a few of those lately.

Elf watched the whole Royal Wedding. I am a republican but still interested enough to watch the bits before and after I had to go out. I think Prince Harry's braid-fest uniform and Princess Beatrice’s Klingon hat made the whole thing worthwhile. As far as I know, the rest of us in the Commonwealth don't put a cent into the Royals, although we still get to enjoy the soap opera. I think if I was British and actually contributed to the Queen's £8 million per annum, I might be more fired up about a British republic than I am about Australia’s.

For some reason, the bit of the wedding that appealed to me the most was Kate's brother's reading, which I believe is from Romans chapter 12. "Do not lag in zeal" - doesn't even sound like English. But I can’t stop saying it. I would like a bumper sticker. I like to think it means "Fill a pillowcase with apricots" in Afrikaans, and "Bring me a hat made of cheese" in Norwegian.

I missed a chunk of the wedding playing indoor soccer. Our team has been promoted again to the upper division, and wins will be few and Farby Tween. This week we were down 7-1 at halftime, but improved a bit to go down 16-5. We only had 4 players and no other strikers, so I played all but about 2 minutes out on the field. 

And now I have just remembered why its best to blog lightly but frequently. Recalling stuff is just too hard.

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