This is an open letter. That's a fancy way of saying I am cutting and pasting an email I just sent to Redbubble in a white-hot fury. Weeks ago they pulled about a dozen of my designs from sale. For each one they said
We’re sorry, but we had to remove some of your artwork from the Redbubble marketplace because it may contain material that violates someone’s rights. We identified this material in your artwork based on guidance provided to us by the owner of those rights.
I contested each of these removals, pointing out that this is original artwork, I do not use the names of AFL clubs or their logos, and I only use names and images of players with their permission. Today I finally got a response for each one. I've quoted the important bit in my response to their response.
Here's the open letter.
Hello Lauretta, thank you for that update. Your explanation below for why my work was removed is at odds with the advice Redbubble gives elsewhere.
This assessment is based on guidance of a general nature from the owner of these rights. In most cases, this means that the rights holder did not specifically identify your work for removal, but that Redbubble has detected potential similarity between the removed content and one or more words, phrases or images included in the rights holder’s general removal guidance. This does not mean that Redbubble determined your content was infringing, only that in our judgment, the removed content fell within the scope of the rights holder’s general guidance.
But here on your help page it says "It is Redbubble’s policy to remove allegedly infringing works in response to valid complaints under applicable law, but content is only removed when it has been specifically identified as infringing in a legally valid takedown notice."
You have given me NO guidelines as to what is OK and isn’t, and of course you can’t because I think you have no idea. You don’t know what infringes AFL IP. You are trying to look busy so you can tell the AFL or the clubs “we have pulled X thousand designs that infringed your IP” when all you have looked for, probably with a bot/algorithm, is POTENTIAL SIMILARITY.
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