Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Chicken Farm - as it was.

My favourite part of our lovely green outlook is a hill people still call the Chicken Farm, although it hasn't been functioning for quite a while. It is a surprisingly large patch of countryside to find so close to town. There have been plans on the go to develop it for at least 10 years, but nothing has happened there until now.

Yesterday when I got home from work Elf was in an agitated state - she had seen a digger start to knock down the massive old pine trees, and had driven with the kids over there to try to reason with the someone. There was only the driver, working on his own in a downpour. He assured her that it was all approved by council. Elf realised there was nothing she could do and came home.

One by one the trees crashed down. My favourites were a stand of three in the middle of the sloping paddock, that made a lovely patch of shade. Gone. Our skyline there was marked by four or five more big dark pines - now gone. Worse is to come - the word is that there are 47 new houses approved. Forty seven! It's not going to be my favourite part of the view any more.

I have always told myself to appreciate it while I could, because it was too good to last. Since it hasn't been a functioning farm someone has been paying rates on it for no return. Also I acknowledge that everybody's property is part of someone else's view - including ours. And we were able to do just what we pleased with ours.

I hope they plant a few new trees though.

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