Monday, June 02, 2008

A window into Michael's mind

That's how I think of these little typgraphically illustrated micro-stories he writes.

"Too Marcus. I love you becuse I want you to like it." Other side - "Michael too Marcus. He's playing football. AFL football games."

On the left a big fat B is burping ("BURP!")and saying "WHAT?" A monster on the right is saying (about the fat B) "HE'S FAT" and (addressed to the fat B) "YOUR NORTY".

This one says "the CIRCUS. The circus is cenchrel [central I think] becuse my mum is the best.". These have an added air of spookyness as they are drawn on scrap paper Elf brought home from GP South. They are forms headed "Other points that are important to me for medical and personal care", with questions like "If I am nearing my death, I want the following (tick boxes and initial lines that would be important to you)" followed by options such as "Keep me warm, dry and pain free". Regrettably, "Take these guns off-a me, I cain't use them anymore" is not included as a check box, although there is "Other" and plenty of space for at last one verse of Knockin' on Heavens Door

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