From the Little Athletics newsletter. Breaking News...
Amendment to High-Jump By Law
At the 2008 State Conference, a motion was moved to amend the age groups which undertake the scissor jump.
The previous By-Law stated that it was compulsory for Under 8, 9 and 10 athletes to perform the scissor jump. This has been amended to Under 8 and Under 9 only.
Therefore - Under 10–15 athletes have the option to either scissor or flop.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Assemble and eat
Elf's Mum, Dad and brother Fred are staying down at Firthfield with Imp, Ed, Karri and Miah. My Mum and Dad are staying with us. So far, every day since and including Christmas we have assembled all in one place, the 13 of us, to eat. All we really do is eat, make cups of tea, moving through to beers and whisky and soda as the day goes on, keeping an eye on the cricket on TV, keeping an ear on the cricket on the radio, or playing cricket out the back. Playing christmas-new games and constructing christmas-new constructo-gifts. Fruitcake. Let's learn mah-jongg. Wake up Dad! Can we watch the cricket again please? Slightly different fruitcake. Who would like a cup of tea? Let's have a hit of cricket! More fruitcake. Anyone else keen for a beer? Anyone know the score in the cricket? Etcetera and so forth. It is very pleasant, quite soporific, and I don't quite know what day it is.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Wikipedia fundraising drive

Wikipedia is one of the few things on the internet I find completely indispensable. They are fundraising at present. Good luck to you, Sum Of All Human Knowledge. I edited their article on weasels once.
Neighbours and Pals v Antipasto and Champagne
We had a Christmas party of sorts on Sunday afternoon at our place. We had about thirty five people, lots of kids, and we really had a nice time.
I went off to get the platters, and foolishly decided I could squeeze in a bit of Christmas shopping on the way, and still get home with them in time for Elf and I to have showers and iron something. When I got back at about 10 minutes-to-liftoff, Elf was in the shower and the boys informed me she was not happy.
Eggnog and time are marvellous healers however, and she has withdrawn the divorce papers and I believe she still has full confidence in me as her Deputy, going forward.
We had a couple of visits - inside the house - from the bolder of the two magpies. Both times there were quite a few people around. The first time: hop hop, a bit of a look at the shiny stuff on the Christmas tree, and hop hop out again. The second time was a major incursion. He had a good look at the toys, especially interested in the dinosaurs, got up on my chair to have a look at work in progress on my desk, pooped next to the christmas tree, and then flew about a bit looking for the exit. There was relief from him and us when he found it.

I went off to get the platters, and foolishly decided I could squeeze in a bit of Christmas shopping on the way, and still get home with them in time for Elf and I to have showers and iron something. When I got back at about 10 minutes-to-liftoff, Elf was in the shower and the boys informed me she was not happy.
Eggnog and time are marvellous healers however, and she has withdrawn the divorce papers and I believe she still has full confidence in me as her Deputy, going forward.
We had a couple of visits - inside the house - from the bolder of the two magpies. Both times there were quite a few people around. The first time: hop hop, a bit of a look at the shiny stuff on the Christmas tree, and hop hop out again. The second time was a major incursion. He had a good look at the toys, especially interested in the dinosaurs, got up on my chair to have a look at work in progress on my desk, pooped next to the christmas tree, and then flew about a bit looking for the exit. There was relief from him and us when he found it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Things cyclists shout to each other while riding at speed past our house
Someone is shouting. What's the matter? Why are they shouting? Oh, its cyclists riding two abreast. As they pass into and out of earshot I hear;
...3 OR 4 OR 5. BUT NOT 8! NO WAY....
...3 OR 4 OR 5. BUT NOT 8! NO WAY....
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We all gave Boonie a hug
I took the boys to the one-day cricket at Bellerive this afternoon. I have never been vaguely tempted to do this before, but I heard on the radio yesterday that it was a fund raising game for drought-affected farmers. There would be a baby animal petting area, bouncy castle, and various other exciting kid-baits. I thought I could probably keep the boys interested long enough for it to be worth the price of admission. As it turned out we were waved in for free.
We arrived about ten minutes before the end of the first innings, Queensland batting. We saw a six hit almost straight away, that just eluded a magnificent diving attempt to catch it - think John Dyson SCG 1982. (Sorry Belgium, you just had to be there). An identical shot off the next ball was miscued and caught by the same fellow.
During the break we wandered off around the concourse in search of rural fun. Four unattended sheep were penned in a tight triangle, on the old practice wicket. No one was around (I should mention the crowd was tiny). We approached. The sheep all tried to climb up each others bottoms. They were not happy to be there.
The bouncy castle man said "I know how they feel". He is actually there every week, not just for the fundraiser, but normally he is inside the ground where he can watch the cricket. He has a 5 year contract with the TCA to be there with his special cricket-themed bouncy castle for every game, and the kids bounce for free. The graphics (designed by bouncy castle man himself) feature lifesize pictures of Ben Hilfenhaus bowling and Michael Dighton batting, but with their faces blurred in an alarming way that I associate with child-porn busts on the TV news. He doesn't want to have to redo the graphics if Hilfy or Dights are enticed to leave by another state.
No other farm animals, farmers or farm fun was to be had. A lass was selling Country Womens Association calendars for $15, but was not prepared to accept donations. There had been tin-rattlers, but they'd all gone home, she said.

So, the boys and I climbed on Boonie for fun. There is a life-size bronze statue of David Boon, executing an off drive. He played 107 Tests for Australia in the 1980s and 1990s and was fond of a drink. He is now a national selector, and is available in spooky-talking-doll form with cartons of VB beer. He is the only person I have seen both a) at the supermarket and also b) immortalised in bronze.
Tasmania came out to bat and made their intentions clear early, slumping to 4-40. The boys were quite enjoying it all, and the extremely light crowds made it easy to keep an eye on Michael as he roamed far, introducing himself to nonplussed teens, grannies and the Queensland fielders on the boundary. Every ten seconds he would turn around and wave and call 'Hi Dad!' , and it was otherwise so quiet that most of the people in the stands turned and looked at me. Every now and then a "Baaaaaaaaa" from the triangular pen would waft across the pristine international-standard outfield.
After a while I suggested we go home when Tasmania made it to 100 (chasing 239). Marcus wanted to stay to the end, Michael wanted to go. We had worn our welcome at the bouncy castle after a wrestling incident. With the score on about 98, Marcus heaved a heavy sigh and said "Let's go home now". Cricket, for all its charms, can be deeply wearying.
We arrived about ten minutes before the end of the first innings, Queensland batting. We saw a six hit almost straight away, that just eluded a magnificent diving attempt to catch it - think John Dyson SCG 1982. (Sorry Belgium, you just had to be there). An identical shot off the next ball was miscued and caught by the same fellow.
During the break we wandered off around the concourse in search of rural fun. Four unattended sheep were penned in a tight triangle, on the old practice wicket. No one was around (I should mention the crowd was tiny). We approached. The sheep all tried to climb up each others bottoms. They were not happy to be there.
The bouncy castle man said "I know how they feel". He is actually there every week, not just for the fundraiser, but normally he is inside the ground where he can watch the cricket. He has a 5 year contract with the TCA to be there with his special cricket-themed bouncy castle for every game, and the kids bounce for free. The graphics (designed by bouncy castle man himself) feature lifesize pictures of Ben Hilfenhaus bowling and Michael Dighton batting, but with their faces blurred in an alarming way that I associate with child-porn busts on the TV news. He doesn't want to have to redo the graphics if Hilfy or Dights are enticed to leave by another state.
No other farm animals, farmers or farm fun was to be had. A lass was selling Country Womens Association calendars for $15, but was not prepared to accept donations. There had been tin-rattlers, but they'd all gone home, she said.

So, the boys and I climbed on Boonie for fun. There is a life-size bronze statue of David Boon, executing an off drive. He played 107 Tests for Australia in the 1980s and 1990s and was fond of a drink. He is now a national selector, and is available in spooky-talking-doll form with cartons of VB beer. He is the only person I have seen both a) at the supermarket and also b) immortalised in bronze.
Tasmania came out to bat and made their intentions clear early, slumping to 4-40. The boys were quite enjoying it all, and the extremely light crowds made it easy to keep an eye on Michael as he roamed far, introducing himself to nonplussed teens, grannies and the Queensland fielders on the boundary. Every ten seconds he would turn around and wave and call 'Hi Dad!' , and it was otherwise so quiet that most of the people in the stands turned and looked at me. Every now and then a "Baaaaaaaaa" from the triangular pen would waft across the pristine international-standard outfield.
After a while I suggested we go home when Tasmania made it to 100 (chasing 239). Marcus wanted to stay to the end, Michael wanted to go. We had worn our welcome at the bouncy castle after a wrestling incident. With the score on about 98, Marcus heaved a heavy sigh and said "Let's go home now". Cricket, for all its charms, can be deeply wearying.
bouncy castle,
Saturday, December 13, 2008
40 acres of air
Comments stuck in the series of tubes
Sorry to Wendy, Elf and Sally. I have been tweaking the blog settings, and set Comments to "always approve before publishing". Then I never actually checked if there was something I needed to approve. Your lively and thought provoking comments are now up. I have set it back to allow unmediated, public access, open slather, open-mike night, poetry slam style commenting. Continue to "throw down", "peeps"!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Golden glow of progress
Yesterday morning I was panting after Marcus, as he scooted down Degraves Street on his bike. He waited for me at the tricky blind corner, we crossed together, then he took off down the Rivulet track, and disappeared around a bend. He rides to the footbridge, then turns around and rides back to me - by then I am within sight of the footbridge and he stays in my sight the rest of the way to school.
As I watched him I was thinking how much progess he's made, so quickly. I am mentally patting myself on the back for shepherding him through this process so effectively, in such a fatherly manner. Then I got a big idea.
One of the super-rewarding things about parenting, is seeing the progress. Your kid crawls! Then he walks! He eats solid food! He reads aloud! He reads silently! He reads silently for an hour and won't come out of his room! Etc.
When we as grown ups want to get better at something, we practice. And maybe we get better. Maybe we don't. Maybe we're just not cut out for it. Maybe its our job and we just, feh, aren't that driven to get better at it. We've found our level. We aren't particularly striding ahead constantly at every new thing we try. (Unless we are one of those people who write inspirational self-help books as sold at airport bookshops.)
But our children - they start out soft, pink, helpless. There is a right and wrong way to hold them so they don't die! Do you know what I mean? Six months later they are a different proposition entirely. To progress that much, I would need to be, by 12th June 2009, a) super fit and flexible like a world class rock-climber, b) able to recognise and name 95% of all Earth's plants and animals and c) 9 feet tall.
I propose that one of the reasons we keep at this occasionally difficult job, is the purely addictive golden glow anyone gets from watching progress, improvement, problems solved and unfinished things completed. "My how you've grown" is the biggest cliche, but perhaps on a deeper level it reflects our adult fascination with, and envy of, these little people who REALLY ARE remaking themselves every day, growing physically and in every other way.
As I watched him I was thinking how much progess he's made, so quickly. I am mentally patting myself on the back for shepherding him through this process so effectively, in such a fatherly manner. Then I got a big idea.
One of the super-rewarding things about parenting, is seeing the progress. Your kid crawls! Then he walks! He eats solid food! He reads aloud! He reads silently! He reads silently for an hour and won't come out of his room! Etc.
When we as grown ups want to get better at something, we practice. And maybe we get better. Maybe we don't. Maybe we're just not cut out for it. Maybe its our job and we just, feh, aren't that driven to get better at it. We've found our level. We aren't particularly striding ahead constantly at every new thing we try. (Unless we are one of those people who write inspirational self-help books as sold at airport bookshops.)
But our children - they start out soft, pink, helpless. There is a right and wrong way to hold them so they don't die! Do you know what I mean? Six months later they are a different proposition entirely. To progress that much, I would need to be, by 12th June 2009, a) super fit and flexible like a world class rock-climber, b) able to recognise and name 95% of all Earth's plants and animals and c) 9 feet tall.
I propose that one of the reasons we keep at this occasionally difficult job, is the purely addictive golden glow anyone gets from watching progress, improvement, problems solved and unfinished things completed. "My how you've grown" is the biggest cliche, but perhaps on a deeper level it reflects our adult fascination with, and envy of, these little people who REALLY ARE remaking themselves every day, growing physically and in every other way.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Duck plague continues
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Artists journals as art
My blog pal Wendy has just written a post about art journals. She's a big fan - as am I. Kinda.
I always feel wierd about other people's art journals/visual diaries/workbooks. They are often great to look at, but if they are made for looking at, it puts them more in the realm of scrapbooking, to me. And I am snobby about scrapbooking (in the sense of using stuff from a Scrapbooking Shop) - that is NOT art.
If an artist is working in their journal and thinking "how will this look in my blog?" or "how will this look in an exhibition of artists journals?" then it just doesn't seem like my idea of art practice. There should be hard graft, invisible and unrewarded. There should be other opportunities spurned, dogs unwalked, phones unanswered, stretching not done, TV shows missed and lost forever, while you work, and work and work. Eventually you have The Piece, which you present to the world, (the phrase 'begotten not made' has sprung to mind).
I always look enviously at other people's journals, and I guess maybe this is the voice of jealousy. Why isn't my journal so funky and scrappy and cool? Why don't I do little watercolour portraits of the people on the train on the way to work? Oh, I walk to work, that would be why. And I can't stand having anyone watch me draw.
There are two artists I can think of just in my own family who will probably scoff at my preciousness.
I always feel wierd about other people's art journals/visual diaries/workbooks. They are often great to look at, but if they are made for looking at, it puts them more in the realm of scrapbooking, to me. And I am snobby about scrapbooking (in the sense of using stuff from a Scrapbooking Shop) - that is NOT art.
If an artist is working in their journal and thinking "how will this look in my blog?" or "how will this look in an exhibition of artists journals?" then it just doesn't seem like my idea of art practice. There should be hard graft, invisible and unrewarded. There should be other opportunities spurned, dogs unwalked, phones unanswered, stretching not done, TV shows missed and lost forever, while you work, and work and work. Eventually you have The Piece, which you present to the world, (the phrase 'begotten not made' has sprung to mind).
I always look enviously at other people's journals, and I guess maybe this is the voice of jealousy. Why isn't my journal so funky and scrappy and cool? Why don't I do little watercolour portraits of the people on the train on the way to work? Oh, I walk to work, that would be why. And I can't stand having anyone watch me draw.
There are two artists I can think of just in my own family who will probably scoff at my preciousness.
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Atlas of True Names

The Atlas of True Names reveals the etymological roots, or original meanings, of the familiar terms on today's maps of the World and Europe. For instance, where you would normally expect to see the Sahara indicated,the Atlas gives you "Sea of Sand", derived from Arab. es-sahra "desert, sea of sand".
This is very interesting. Most reviewers have mentioned how it makes the real world seem quite Tolkien-esque. My favourite: The Atlantic Ocean apparently means "World Stream of the Mountain of Mountains".
Find out more here. Thanks to Strange Maps for the link.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
1000 posts
That last bit of business about the advent calendar was my 1000th Diary of Dadness blog entry! That makes me a lance-corporal in the massive army of blogging. Until I got the flag thingy I had no idea that my blog was at least viewed (if not actually read) in places so widely distributed. My latest arrival logged on in Turkey - hello sir or madam! Thanks for reading, everyone.
Advent calendar risks
Marcus has been getting up terribly early since the Advent Calendar went up on the wall. This version has pockets instead of little windows, so the children get more of a surprise than "ooh - a picure of shepherds!". Elf has cunningly alternated nativity figures with Jaffas© (rock hard orange-coated chocolate balls - I'm not sure if you have them in the Ukraine and Peru). Today she made a beautiful cardboard stable to house the cow and one wise man who have emerged so far.
The other morning Marcus was bustling around at about 5.30, then came and woke us up with a garbled message. We said something like "Yeah, yeah, go back to bed". He had no prior experience of Jaffas and did not realise they were food - he was trying to ask us what they were all about. Later there was commotion, and Michael appeared with some wet and sticky Jaffas in his hand, asking "What are these? I was eating them and Marcus told me not to".
Marcus had seen Michael put these dangerous small balls INTO HIS MOUTH and had leapt into action, extracted them and given him a stern warning. Dear boy - we were very touched that he had sensed danger and saved Michael from possible choking. I like to think he fell into an alert crouch at some point.
The other morning Marcus was bustling around at about 5.30, then came and woke us up with a garbled message. We said something like "Yeah, yeah, go back to bed". He had no prior experience of Jaffas and did not realise they were food - he was trying to ask us what they were all about. Later there was commotion, and Michael appeared with some wet and sticky Jaffas in his hand, asking "What are these? I was eating them and Marcus told me not to".
Marcus had seen Michael put these dangerous small balls INTO HIS MOUTH and had leapt into action, extracted them and given him a stern warning. Dear boy - we were very touched that he had sensed danger and saved Michael from possible choking. I like to think he fell into an alert crouch at some point.
The silverbeet ends

When I stuck the letters on the fence I never realised what a nice backdrop they would make for the silverbeet, as it started going to seed. More pics here, for fans of chenopods and typography.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
The gifted eat sausages and salad
Last week we took the plunge and went to a Tasmanian Association for the Gifted barbecue get-together. The boys are both super-smart, have been tested for early entry at kinder and so on.
Elf and I are not sure quite where we stand on "giftedness". Are gifted people special and need to be streamed with like minds to some degree? Is everyone gifted in one way or another and no-one should be singled out? We have an open mind and wish to hear what TAG have to say. If the boys make some good friends among the other kids we will certainly view it more positively.
Interestingly it is a purely state-school-focussed group, and it's function is largely to exert leverage on government education policy and on school principals to devote specific resources to gifted kids. Presumably private school parents have the leverage of their huge fees to achieve what they want for their children.
Anyway. The barby was pleasant. The people were nice. Everyone was nametagged. One of the mums was named Hermione and many of the kids had names that proclaimed loudly "Mum and Dad read a lot of books". A lot of the kids spoke in a very correct way that Marcus sometimes does (other times he's a terrible mumbler). I was expecting the kids would be divided into teams and asked to build suspension bridges arcoss the creek, or something - but there were no organised activities.
I was drawn into a game of hide and seek with our boys and a tiny girl named Kariah. When it was her turn she needed a little coaching. "Cover your eyes and count to ten while we hide", I advised her. "Um, I'll count to a mill... a thous... um, eleven".
Elf and I are not sure quite where we stand on "giftedness". Are gifted people special and need to be streamed with like minds to some degree? Is everyone gifted in one way or another and no-one should be singled out? We have an open mind and wish to hear what TAG have to say. If the boys make some good friends among the other kids we will certainly view it more positively.
Interestingly it is a purely state-school-focussed group, and it's function is largely to exert leverage on government education policy and on school principals to devote specific resources to gifted kids. Presumably private school parents have the leverage of their huge fees to achieve what they want for their children.
Anyway. The barby was pleasant. The people were nice. Everyone was nametagged. One of the mums was named Hermione and many of the kids had names that proclaimed loudly "Mum and Dad read a lot of books". A lot of the kids spoke in a very correct way that Marcus sometimes does (other times he's a terrible mumbler). I was expecting the kids would be divided into teams and asked to build suspension bridges arcoss the creek, or something - but there were no organised activities.
I was drawn into a game of hide and seek with our boys and a tiny girl named Kariah. When it was her turn she needed a little coaching. "Cover your eyes and count to ten while we hide", I advised her. "Um, I'll count to a mill... a thous... um, eleven".
Plangent quoins
Actually, this will just be a meandering diary of the last week, and I couldn't think of a snappy title.
Marcus won all five chess matches and finished on top of the ladder in the Spring Cup at school. He played against the computer here today on the toughest setting and completely flogged it. (I have a feeling the software is a little wonky though).
He is riding to school now very proficiently and confidently. I lumber after him, with my manly courier bag in my hand like a giant camo-pattern clutch purse.
On Thursday we had a visit from the Premier at work. He had been through to announce something once before, and this time he burbled on about us being his good friends. We are good PR for him - the government give us seed money and we use it to earn export dollars in the "knowledge economy". He brought a wide range of public servants with him. One of his major people is the sister of our next door neighbour Sharon - that's the size of Hobart right there.
We were not particularly asked to drop everything and mingle, so most of us kept plugging away at our work. A functionary in a beautiful dark suit picked up a box of breath mints off Dave's desk and popped out a couple, saying "Thanks mate" as he headed back over to the heavy hitters.
We lost at soccer last night. Cam copped a punch in the guts at one stage, and the culprit was sin-binned for about five minutes. This made it 4 v 3, and we should have been able to capitalise, but we didn't. When the guilty party was allowed back on, he went up to Cam, apologised and shook hands, and said he'd thought Cam was someone else. Nice excuse in a 4-a-side game!
Today I took Marcus to athletics which has been off for a few weeks due to the regular rain. He did very well, getting a couple of personal bests in a row. I sewed on his badges last night, and it was nice to see him looking like he belonged with all the right insignia.
This afternoon we spent in desirable West Hobart, visiting Nick and Anna and the girls, then Matt and Mem and the girls. Matt is just back from 2 weeks in New York and Washington. I was staggered to realise that is his first trip outside Australia, as he is such a knowledgeable, interesting and "been overseas" type guy. Mem has never been overseas, so I am taking up a collection starting RIGHT NOW to send her to New Zealand. Matt and Mem have two of my drawings AND a Patrick Grieve, so I am thinking of making some little cards for my exhibition that say "people who bought this also bought..."
Nick's job every December is to take our family photo for the Christmas newsletter. Unfortunately Michael was in a strop, so we will be trying again tomorrow with the timer function taking the place of Nick.
Marcus won all five chess matches and finished on top of the ladder in the Spring Cup at school. He played against the computer here today on the toughest setting and completely flogged it. (I have a feeling the software is a little wonky though).
He is riding to school now very proficiently and confidently. I lumber after him, with my manly courier bag in my hand like a giant camo-pattern clutch purse.
On Thursday we had a visit from the Premier at work. He had been through to announce something once before, and this time he burbled on about us being his good friends. We are good PR for him - the government give us seed money and we use it to earn export dollars in the "knowledge economy". He brought a wide range of public servants with him. One of his major people is the sister of our next door neighbour Sharon - that's the size of Hobart right there.
We were not particularly asked to drop everything and mingle, so most of us kept plugging away at our work. A functionary in a beautiful dark suit picked up a box of breath mints off Dave's desk and popped out a couple, saying "Thanks mate" as he headed back over to the heavy hitters.
We lost at soccer last night. Cam copped a punch in the guts at one stage, and the culprit was sin-binned for about five minutes. This made it 4 v 3, and we should have been able to capitalise, but we didn't. When the guilty party was allowed back on, he went up to Cam, apologised and shook hands, and said he'd thought Cam was someone else. Nice excuse in a 4-a-side game!
Today I took Marcus to athletics which has been off for a few weeks due to the regular rain. He did very well, getting a couple of personal bests in a row. I sewed on his badges last night, and it was nice to see him looking like he belonged with all the right insignia.
This afternoon we spent in desirable West Hobart, visiting Nick and Anna and the girls, then Matt and Mem and the girls. Matt is just back from 2 weeks in New York and Washington. I was staggered to realise that is his first trip outside Australia, as he is such a knowledgeable, interesting and "been overseas" type guy. Mem has never been overseas, so I am taking up a collection starting RIGHT NOW to send her to New Zealand. Matt and Mem have two of my drawings AND a Patrick Grieve, so I am thinking of making some little cards for my exhibition that say "people who bought this also bought..."
Nick's job every December is to take our family photo for the Christmas newsletter. Unfortunately Michael was in a strop, so we will be trying again tomorrow with the timer function taking the place of Nick.
matt + mem,
nick + anna,
Friday, December 05, 2008
Torsten Frings!

I would like see this to take off as a cry of frustration, not to replace "Gordon Bennett!" but to augment it.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
The School Duck

A recent arrival at the kids' school is the School Duck. There are quite a few wild brown ducks around, who wander up silently from the rivulet that runs past the sports ground. This new duck is black and white, very noisy, and works the canteen/lunch benches area like an expert panhandler. I'm pretty sure its a sign of the credit crunch/squeeze/freeze/meltdown - I believe he used to be a stockbroker.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
I'm just going down the Post Office for a telescope
Elf reports that the latest Australia Post catalogue has 2 pages of stationery, and 14 pages of;
Onix Docking Station Speaker System [Comes with 7 iPod cradles], Skull Candy (ear plugs), Navman F15 GPS, dartboards, remote controlled cars, golf putting sets, massagers, picnic kits, bbq tool kits, TELESCOPES, soft toys...
Here is my theory. The long term plan when the Postmaster General's Department (as it then was) was founded in 1898, was to get a large slice of postal market share, then gradually shift sideways into their real core strength, battery-powered novelties.
Onix Docking Station Speaker System [Comes with 7 iPod cradles], Skull Candy (ear plugs), Navman F15 GPS, dartboards, remote controlled cars, golf putting sets, massagers, picnic kits, bbq tool kits, TELESCOPES, soft toys...
Here is my theory. The long term plan when the Postmaster General's Department (as it then was) was founded in 1898, was to get a large slice of postal market share, then gradually shift sideways into their real core strength, battery-powered novelties.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Soccer in Sun and Shadow by Eduardo Galeano
I have a terrific book I bought before the last World Cup, called the Thinking Fan's Guide to the World Cup. It is a collection of 32 essays, one for each country going to Germany 2008. Some of them are only about football, some barely touch on it at all.
The editor recommends some other sources of good writing on football, including Soccer in Sun and Shadow. It is translated from Spanish, and shares a certain dreamy quality I associate with South American writing translated into English. Eduardo Galeano was to be included in the Thinking Fan's Guide, but had to be dropped from the list when his country, Uruguay, were eliminated at the last hurdle by Australia.
Uruguayan football has a glorious history. They won the Olympic gold medal in 1924 and again in 1928, then hosted and won the first World Cup in 1930. In 1950 it was held next door in Brazil. The Brazilians were unbackable favourites, and cruised through the tournament winning effortlesly with beautiful, playful football. They met Uruguay in the final. Before the match the Brazilians were given gold watches with "For the World Champions" inscribed on them. Uruguay won.
Australia and Uruguay have a recent but fierce rivalry on the soccer field. Uruguay were the last of a long line of strange distant countries to knock Australia out at the last stage of World Cup qualifying, in Montevideo in 2001 - (previously Argentina, Scotland, Iran, Israel - just off the top of my head). Four years later, it was fate dictated it would be Australia who knocked Uruguay out.
One notable feature is the blurbs on the back. Have you ever seen two blurbs so different from one another on a book cover?

To show the foolishness of the first blurb, here is another excerpt.
So American fans, I hope that quick snapshot of a very popular international sport cleared a few things up for you!
The editor recommends some other sources of good writing on football, including Soccer in Sun and Shadow. It is translated from Spanish, and shares a certain dreamy quality I associate with South American writing translated into English. Eduardo Galeano was to be included in the Thinking Fan's Guide, but had to be dropped from the list when his country, Uruguay, were eliminated at the last hurdle by Australia.
Uruguayan football has a glorious history. They won the Olympic gold medal in 1924 and again in 1928, then hosted and won the first World Cup in 1930. In 1950 it was held next door in Brazil. The Brazilians were unbackable favourites, and cruised through the tournament winning effortlesly with beautiful, playful football. They met Uruguay in the final. Before the match the Brazilians were given gold watches with "For the World Champions" inscribed on them. Uruguay won.
After the final whistle, Brazilian commentators called the defeat "the worst tragedy in Brazil's history". Jules Rimet [FIFA President] wandered about the field like a lost soul, hugging the cup that bore his name. "I found myself alone with the cup in my arms and not knowing what to do. I finally found Uruguay's captain, Obdulio Varela, and I gave it to him practically without letting anyone else see. I held out my hand without saying a word".
In his pocket Rimet had a speech he had written to congratulate the victorious Brazilians.
Australia and Uruguay have a recent but fierce rivalry on the soccer field. Uruguay were the last of a long line of strange distant countries to knock Australia out at the last stage of World Cup qualifying, in Montevideo in 2001 - (previously Argentina, Scotland, Iran, Israel - just off the top of my head). Four years later, it was fate dictated it would be Australia who knocked Uruguay out.
One notable feature is the blurbs on the back. Have you ever seen two blurbs so different from one another on a book cover?

To show the foolishness of the first blurb, here is another excerpt.
In the middle of 1969, a large hall for weddings, baptisms and conventions opened in Spain's Guadarrama mountains. While the grand opening banquet was in full swing, the floor collapsed and the guests were buried in rubble. Fifty-two people died. The hall had been built with public funds, but without permits, licenses or an architect in charge.
The owner and builder of the ephemeral edifice, Jesus Gil y Gil, went to jail. He spent two years and three months behind bars – two weeks for each death – until he was pardoned by Generalissimo Franco. As soon as he set foot out of prison, Jesus was back to serve the progress of the fatherland once again in the construction industry.
Some time later, this businessman became the owner of a soccer team, Atlético of Madrid. Thanks to soccer, which turned him into a popular television personality, Jesus was able to launch a political career. In 1991 he was elected mayor of Marbella, winning more votes than anyone else in the country. [...]
Atlético of Madrid remains the base of his power and prestige, even though the team frequently loses. Coaches don't last more than a few weeks. Jesus Gil y Gil seeks advice from his horse Imperioso, a snow-white and very sentimental stallion.
"Imperioso, we lost."
"I know Gil."
"Whose fault is it?"
"I don't know Gil."
"Yes you do Imperioso. It's the coach's fault."
"So, fire him"
So American fans, I hope that quick snapshot of a very popular international sport cleared a few things up for you!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Knackered 13 drew with Mickey's Boys 13
I went to a podiatrist during the week, which was a new thing. I think it was the drummer out of Jet - or possibly the bass player from The Drones. The hair, you know. Very confident and proficient young guy. In his opinion my right big toe is "on the blink". I bought some new soccer shoes today from a proper sports gear shop, with proper advice and a proper fittitng - I can't remember the last time I did that. The pod man is making orthotics for me (in Richmond club colours). I am finally taking my feet seriously. I always believed you got a new pair when you turn 50, but apparently that's a furphy.
So the new shoes went OK. I had a couple of weeks off after the final we lost, and I was huffing and puffing right from the word go tonight. We got out to 7-2 in front, their goalie was very leaky. They had a bit of a run on, we froze up and next thing it was 7-7. They had one very strong player, the eponympos Mickey. He had a hell of a boot, and probably scored 10 or 11.
I think we were one up with one minute to go when they scored. I took the ball from the kickoff, beat two blokes and was just winding up to shoot when the hooter went. Probably a fair resut on balance.
So the new shoes went OK. I had a couple of weeks off after the final we lost, and I was huffing and puffing right from the word go tonight. We got out to 7-2 in front, their goalie was very leaky. They had a bit of a run on, we froze up and next thing it was 7-7. They had one very strong player, the eponympos Mickey. He had a hell of a boot, and probably scored 10 or 11.
I think we were one up with one minute to go when they scored. I took the ball from the kickoff, beat two blokes and was just winding up to shoot when the hooter went. Probably a fair resut on balance.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Little flags piling up
OK, I am blogging about the blog now, which is sad. But - I am fascinated to watch the flags accumulating in the visitor records panel there. There's been a burst of activity in the Baltic on Wednesday when I suddenly saw Poland, Latvia and Lithuania clock on. Is it one person driving around with a laptop? And where is Estonia?
I know that's Ben in Thailand and Charles in Germany. Wendy is contributing a lot of the US figures from Arkansas. But who is dropping in from Mexico? Canada? Romania and Slovakia for goodness sake?
If you are somewhere interesting reading this, pop in a comment, I'd love to know.
I know that's Ben in Thailand and Charles in Germany. Wendy is contributing a lot of the US figures from Arkansas. But who is dropping in from Mexico? Canada? Romania and Slovakia for goodness sake?
If you are somewhere interesting reading this, pop in a comment, I'd love to know.
Do you listen to podcasts? I'm always on the lookout for good ones. Don't be scared off by the "pod" thing, I know not everyone has an i-pod, in fact I listen to them on my desktop computer while I work. I used to listen to just Australian Radio National shows, but gradually migrated to American podcasts. I still listen to This Sporting Life from Triple J, and I think that's about it for regular Australian material. Here is my current listening list.
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History (Punic Wars to WW2 and everything else) and Common Sense (current affairs). This is like a one hour ride with an affable but passionate and very well informed taxi driver, who wants to convince you that while Alexander would have outwitted Caesar in battle, Caesar actually set stuff up in peacetime, which Alexander never bothered with. And my understanding of and interest in US politics has leaped ahead since I also subscribed to Common Sense. Today I listened to an interview with a conservative history professor, talking about the benefits of the now-lost classical education. I can feel my opinions being taken out and beaten soundly like a rug, and they don't always go back to the original shape.
You Look Nice Today, "a journal of emotional hygiene". Three guys who skype to each other over the net. Witty, sharp, erudite. Recommended by the cast of...
Jordan Jesse Go. 2 manchilds. Jesse Thorn, America's Radio Sweetheart, and Jordan Morris, Boy Detective.
This Sporting Life. An Australian radio institution. HG Nelson is the commentator par excellence. Roy Slaven, the retired star who pulled on the green and gold in tennis, rugby league, surfing, golf... Also owner and trainer of two of the turf's finest conveyances, Rooting King and Princess Underpant. Sprinkled with ads for the products of their business the Slaven Nelson Group, such as Blue Light Twitching Love Logs, and The King Tide Sleepmaker (a water bed full of fish). To quote Wikipedia "Other memorable Slaven recollections have included the assistance he gave to music star Cher during her bout with chronic fatigue syndrome - which included a daily regimen in which Slaven tied Cher to the back of a car and dragged her behind it for several kilometres.
Football Weekly. Men and women talk UK and European soccer. I never actually get to see the games they talk about, and a lot of it washes over me, but the banter is so lively and the digressions quite funny that I still listen anyway.
This American Life. National Public Radio from the USA. A groundbreaking radio show that I now realise is the stylistic template for a lot of Australian Radio National programmes.
They Might Be GiantsThe band. Rare music and interviews. They also have a kids video podcast that is educational and great.
OK. Let me know if you have any recommendations.
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History (Punic Wars to WW2 and everything else) and Common Sense (current affairs). This is like a one hour ride with an affable but passionate and very well informed taxi driver, who wants to convince you that while Alexander would have outwitted Caesar in battle, Caesar actually set stuff up in peacetime, which Alexander never bothered with. And my understanding of and interest in US politics has leaped ahead since I also subscribed to Common Sense. Today I listened to an interview with a conservative history professor, talking about the benefits of the now-lost classical education. I can feel my opinions being taken out and beaten soundly like a rug, and they don't always go back to the original shape.
You Look Nice Today, "a journal of emotional hygiene". Three guys who skype to each other over the net. Witty, sharp, erudite. Recommended by the cast of...
Jordan Jesse Go. 2 manchilds. Jesse Thorn, America's Radio Sweetheart, and Jordan Morris, Boy Detective.
This Sporting Life. An Australian radio institution. HG Nelson is the commentator par excellence. Roy Slaven, the retired star who pulled on the green and gold in tennis, rugby league, surfing, golf... Also owner and trainer of two of the turf's finest conveyances, Rooting King and Princess Underpant. Sprinkled with ads for the products of their business the Slaven Nelson Group, such as Blue Light Twitching Love Logs, and The King Tide Sleepmaker (a water bed full of fish). To quote Wikipedia "Other memorable Slaven recollections have included the assistance he gave to music star Cher during her bout with chronic fatigue syndrome - which included a daily regimen in which Slaven tied Cher to the back of a car and dragged her behind it for several kilometres.
Football Weekly. Men and women talk UK and European soccer. I never actually get to see the games they talk about, and a lot of it washes over me, but the banter is so lively and the digressions quite funny that I still listen anyway.
This American Life. National Public Radio from the USA. A groundbreaking radio show that I now realise is the stylistic template for a lot of Australian Radio National programmes.
They Might Be GiantsThe band. Rare music and interviews. They also have a kids video podcast that is educational and great.
OK. Let me know if you have any recommendations.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Brooklyn Superhero Supply Store
Sam Potts is a genius. Note the sign that warns "Rivalries and archrivalries must be left outside the store".

Brewery source photos
More bird news
A sparrow or somesuch flew across my path this morning with about a metre of straw hanging from its beak. Up into the eaves of Le Provençal restaurant, there to extend/repair his nest I guess. Organic gardening must be such a boon to the nest-building bird-about-town.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Bird Hand Book
Monday, November 24, 2008
Cricket on the television
While in Turners Beach, Marcus, Dad and I watched a bit of the first test against New Zealand. I rarely watch cricket on TV but it seemed like a pleasant way to while away a wet weekend afternoon. My timing was poor - the cricketers were off for the tea break. On Channel Nine to fill the time Mark Nicholas was gently probing elderly co-commentator Richie Benaud about his early years. I have seen less deferential interviews with HM the Queen.
Richie's mother recently passed away. [Photos of his dear old Mum]. She had lived to be over 100. [Photo of her birthday cake]. She got a telegram and certificate from HM the Queen. [Photo of the certificate]. "I took the train down to Parramatta and had a hit with third grade - of course they were called Central Cumberland in those days". He bought a three piece suit for a shilling and had enough left over to go to the talkies, etc etc.
So eventually the cricket resumed. Stuart Clark bowling for the baggy green. Tearing in, a bit of late swing, looking lively. Between balls Mark Nicholas said, without no hint of tongue in cheek: "They usually have the TV on with the sound down in the Australian rooms during the breaks. But you can bet Stuart Clark had his feet up, probably with a sports drink or a piece of fruit, and turned up the sound to enjoy those magnificent recollections from a great man. There'll be more from Richie at tea tomorrow..."
Richie's mother recently passed away. [Photos of his dear old Mum]. She had lived to be over 100. [Photo of her birthday cake]. She got a telegram and certificate from HM the Queen. [Photo of the certificate]. "I took the train down to Parramatta and had a hit with third grade - of course they were called Central Cumberland in those days". He bought a three piece suit for a shilling and had enough left over to go to the talkies, etc etc.
So eventually the cricket resumed. Stuart Clark bowling for the baggy green. Tearing in, a bit of late swing, looking lively. Between balls Mark Nicholas said, without no hint of tongue in cheek: "They usually have the TV on with the sound down in the Australian rooms during the breaks. But you can bet Stuart Clark had his feet up, probably with a sports drink or a piece of fruit, and turned up the sound to enjoy those magnificent recollections from a great man. There'll be more from Richie at tea tomorrow..."
Marcus's new trick
Marcus heard about square roots, that they were tricky and hard. He wanted in. So I taught him a trick - if you know that a number is a square (16, 121, 5041), then it is not impossible to work out the square root in your head. Squares only end in 1, 4, 5, 6, 9, or 0. If it ends in 1, the square root ends in 1 or 9. If it ends in 4, the square root ends in 2 or 8. If it ends in 5, the square root ends in 5. If it ends in 6, the square root ends in 4 or 6. If it ends in 9, the square root ends in 3. And if it ends in 0, the square root ends in 0. He memorised this list more or less instantly.
So, if I say to him 5041, he knows it ends in 1 or 9. He can do 60 x 60, 70 x 70, 80 x 80 pretty easily, so he can find a range to look in. 5041 is between 4900 and 6400, so the root must be between 70 and 80. Its pretty close to 4900, so chances are that out of 71 or 79, the answer will be 71.
It takes me about five minutes (while driving) to work out a question for him. It takes him about 25 seconds to work out the answer. It only works with perfect squares, so it is not a particularly useful formula in daily life, but its a neat number trick.
So, if I say to him 5041, he knows it ends in 1 or 9. He can do 60 x 60, 70 x 70, 80 x 80 pretty easily, so he can find a range to look in. 5041 is between 4900 and 6400, so the root must be between 70 and 80. Its pretty close to 4900, so chances are that out of 71 or 79, the answer will be 71.
It takes me about five minutes (while driving) to work out a question for him. It takes him about 25 seconds to work out the answer. It only works with perfect squares, so it is not a particularly useful formula in daily life, but its a neat number trick.
A long drive through the pounding rain
We drove up to Mum and Dad's at Turners Beach on Friday evening. We did it in about 4 hours, although we had to slow down to 80 at times due to the rain. It really thumped down. I am always nervous about someone ploughing into us from the other direction when they decide to drive through a small lake and lose control.
Mum and Dad were in good form and looking very well. The garden at TB is actually bigger than the quite big garden I grew up with in Burnie, so they have given themselves a lot to do. Mum likes to plant things and nurture them to find out what they are, and then decide whether to keep them or not.
Everything was looking great. The colours are so refreshing up on the north west coast. You want to open your eyes wider and wider and save it all up in your mind for when yoiu are back in the dull brown of the drier parts of the state. The pyrethrum fields are creamy pale yellow-green, poppies pale pink, spuds vibrant green, the soil looks like anything would grow in it. In honour of the NW coast I think I can pop in a few Patrick Grieve paintings can't I?

We had two outings. We went to Imaginarium in Devonport, a kind of mini-Questacon in a large shed. (Science discovery thing for kids, for those who don't know Questacon). The current display has a road safety focus. Most of the displays were good but the interactive computer stuff was no better than we put together at work. There was an up-to-date map of the world on one wall with the flags of all nations - a few had changed since our flag book at home was printed. Michael gave it the once over - and said "Georgia - that's not the flag of Georgia!" He's memorised our book pretty thoroughly.
Our other outing was a long walk to the pick-your-own strawberry farm yesterday morning. The sun came out and it was quite intense. After toiling long and hard in the fields (about ten minutes if that) - I made for the shade. As usual we picked enough fruit for a family of twelve who really like strawberries.
Mum and Dad were in good form and looking very well. The garden at TB is actually bigger than the quite big garden I grew up with in Burnie, so they have given themselves a lot to do. Mum likes to plant things and nurture them to find out what they are, and then decide whether to keep them or not.
Everything was looking great. The colours are so refreshing up on the north west coast. You want to open your eyes wider and wider and save it all up in your mind for when yoiu are back in the dull brown of the drier parts of the state. The pyrethrum fields are creamy pale yellow-green, poppies pale pink, spuds vibrant green, the soil looks like anything would grow in it. In honour of the NW coast I think I can pop in a few Patrick Grieve paintings can't I?

We had two outings. We went to Imaginarium in Devonport, a kind of mini-Questacon in a large shed. (Science discovery thing for kids, for those who don't know Questacon). The current display has a road safety focus. Most of the displays were good but the interactive computer stuff was no better than we put together at work. There was an up-to-date map of the world on one wall with the flags of all nations - a few had changed since our flag book at home was printed. Michael gave it the once over - and said "Georgia - that's not the flag of Georgia!" He's memorised our book pretty thoroughly.

Sunday, November 23, 2008
A new feature
At top right you can see a record of where visitors to the site have come from. I assume these are mostly search engines just dropping in and logging my latest thoughts. Hi, web-bots! (I just want to pump up the low hit-rate of a few of mny fave words in Google, so bear with me while I say asparagus, prevaricate, clement, obstreperous, blimp, quoin and snib).
Good to see we have someone dropping in from St Kilda. What? Oh.
Good to see we have someone dropping in from St Kilda. What? Oh.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Brewery progress
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