Thursday, May 28, 2009

"This mattress is perfect for a white person....

... or a black person".


Wendy said...

Wow. That's all I can say.

Chris Rees said...

(my comment has vanished - how can that happen when its my blog?)

I said something like: judging by the accents, the Red House must be in your neck of the woods, Wendy. Maybe you should drop in and by a couch - being a white woman and all.

Kevin Reiner said...

wow. the sofa's really sturdy (0.57) haha

Chris Rees said...

Where the black guy launches onto it from out of shot? That is THE highlight.

Wendy has credited me for finding this so I had better credit The Absolute Peachan excellent British podcast through which I first heard of the ad. Its a total hands-across-the-sea situation.