Sunday, July 11, 2010

Imp and Ed buy a house

Elf's sister Imp and her family have just bought a house, and today they are moving out of the venerable sandstone pile that is Firthfield and into Nameless House, at the top of Boronia Hill in Kingston.

After coming to my soccer match, the girls stayed the night with us last night. Today we took them to their soccer, and now we are all back here. When Imp and Ed have worn out their first set of helpers, they will come for the girls, and we'll convoy down there to help them with the next batch of moving. 

Although I am often a grumpy and remote uncle, I do like the girls and I like the fact that our families lean on each other, help each other out and spend so much time together.

We are really pleased that Imp and Ed have made the leap to buy a property here - they came from Canberra two years ago and have been renting Firthfield since. There is a good chance they will go back there in the not too distant future, and rent out the new place. In any case, our boys and the girls have established a bond that hopefully will be renewed regularly and last their whole lives.

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